Wednesday, June 12, 2024

We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter.

 WHAT SHE SAID'...History recorded, tales and treats. His stories, her stories, family stories, saints and sinners tell. Jokers in school, jokers to the right, tips and tweets to shine the lights.

We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter.

What would you save if your house was on fire?U said u love me, then why do u hurting me so bad?Good Tales:You? Me? Us?Love friends forever.Cartoon network,The Fairy and the Frogs: Men Or Mice: Under The Surface.

 Dean Kaminski,Apache Stronghold. Lots Of Love, Lots Of Dreams In Motions, Pages To Go.Just because things are bad now doesn't mean they're going to be that way forever. Sunny Rose, Apache Stronghold.Conservative News Today,Sunny And Bright.UNDRESSED: So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you. DROP A Dime.

Thanks so much.Monkeys,5151: Made in America .Gods and wars, Mars and Romans, Battles to win, coins to flip. Tales of kings, tales of love at first sight, something stuck in your eye?Black Male Image,It's Still Rock and Roll To Me Billy Joel-Lyrics.Daily Events, Rebirths And Let's Go Somewhere !!

More bomb threats target Jewish Community Centers. Trump finally ...

LOTS OF LOVE, LOTS OF LUCK, LOTS OF TESTS OVER TIME.REMEMBER WHEN PEOPLE USED TO WRITE?Love, Lights, Lessons, Leaders On Top, Angels On Clouds, Glory Dazes To Come.“

 Yelling at Pelosi don't work. The Dems have been calling for nonsensical immigration laws for years. What does MAGA want? Walls, kids in cages, tricking asylum seekers to score political points. We want more but the Dems are the ONLY OPTION. Don't let the MAGA GOP divide us!!We are shit out of luck, and time, we missed the boat. Midterm, is a termination filed and recorded, that we have to change back to a financial form, we don't always get in placed for next twenty years, cons to run.

We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter.Evans, Dan or Danial, the man, with the plan, to sell, to give away deals on the table to third party. Create a little history, something to talk about, for some, for others, something to write about.We are shit out of luck, and time, we missed the boat. Midterm, is a termination filed and recorded, that we have to change back to a financial form, we don't always get in placed for next twenty years, cons to run.

Be mindful of your behavior and how you treat others.Pilar Dsilvas' Blog,RAZZLE DAZZLE!Rather consensus.
TINMANTALESANDTREATS.BLOGSPOT.COM. The bible says "True beauty comes from within".
May be an image of 7 people, bangs and text

This is the tale of the crooks, transfer a termination, that was recorded, sellers had to buy the lease. $30,000 for 20 years.Jill Knowlton, thanks for sharing you tale of disappointment, with house, without a connection to the assholes on the roof.

Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily Birthdays.

Spruce Powers, good time toads, snakes in grass, spiders, and worms. Tecumla Valley Home Team.Spruce Power Documents via DocuSign,Your document was cancelled. N.W.A.Spruce Power/Kilowatt Financial/Sungevity .

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